It is modern conceived set of cutting oils designed mainly for machining centers and machining lines executing various machining operations in a wide specter of ferrous metals. These cutting oils dispose of a wide range of attributes, which allow not only complex machining operations in the field of minimum splinter and low cutting speeds, but also, by its significant cooling effect, operations at high cutting speeds where common machining oils often malfunction.
Performance level:
PRODUCT NAME | Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s | Flash Point °C | Pour Point °C | Ash |
CUTTOL OC MU | 14.8 | 190 | -15 | 0.6 |
Cutting oil of high performance, which maximally extends the tool lifetime and guarantees excellent results also during metal working with significantly worsened workability.
© Eloi Oil LLP, 2024. We reserve the right to alter the general characteristics of our products in order to allow our customers to benefit from the latest technical improvements.